Spring Cleaning Inspiration: Deep Cleaning Hacks for Every Room

Spring has sprung! As the days get longer and the weather warms, it's the perfect time to fling open the windows and embark on a deep cleaning mission. Spring cleaning isn't just about scrubbing surfaces. It's about hitting refresh on your entire living space. It's a chance to declutter, deodorize, and restore that sparkling clean feeling that brings a sense of accomplishment and sets the stage for a fresh start! 

To help you conquer every corner of your home, we've compiled a simple and punchy room-by-room guide packed with deep cleaning hacks that use safe and effective methods. So, grab your cleaning supplies, put on some motivating music, and get ready to make your home sparkle! 


Your kitchen is one of the most lived in rooms of the house and certainly one of the quickest to get dirty. No matter how often you clean, constantly cooking and eating in the kitchen will mean a never ending circle of messes. However, a big spring cleaning deep clean can help you feel like your kitchen is finally back to the way you want it - even if it’s only until that next meal time!

  • Oven: For baked-on messes, create a baking soda and vinegar paste that tackles grease and grime.

  • Stovetop: A good degreaser can work wonders on stovetops. Just remember to turn off and cool the stove completely before cleaning! 

  • Refrigerator: Combat fridge odors with an open box of baking soda. Plus, you can line your shelves with fresh liners to catch spills and prevent future cleaning headaches! 

  • Cabinets: Refresh cabinet liners and wipe down shelves and doors to make them look like new.

  • Sink Disposal: Deodorize and maintain your garbage disposal by grinding up a mixture of ice cubes and lemon, orange peels, or dish soap. (As a bonus, this sharpens the blades to keep your disposal healthy!) 


Whether it’s your master bathroom or a guest bathroom, any use can result in unfortunate smells and general yuck. A deep clean can bring some peace and serenity back to what should be your throne room!

  • Shower/Tub: For a natural cleaning solution, mix white vinegar with water and get rid of soap scum and hard water stains. 

  • Toilet: Using a scrub brush, deep clean your toilet with a baking soda and essential oil mixture.

  • Floors: For stubborn grout, create a paste with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to erase grime in no time. 

  • Mirrors: If you’ve tried Windex and paper towels in the past, you probably know streak-free mirrors can be tricky, but they’re a breeze with white vinegar or a microfiber cloth. 

  • Ventilation: Don't forget to clean your exhaust fan to improve ventilation and prevent moisture build-up.

Living Room

Aside from your bedroom, the living room is meant to be a relaxing, peaceful place to settle down for a few hours. Spring cleaning can help us find renewed purpose and, with a clean living room, keep us (and our phones/blue light screens) out of the bedroom.

  • Upholstery: Check your fabric care label to determine what cleaning solution works best for your particular furniture. A DIY mixture will beat out store-bought 9 times out of 10!  

  • Carpets: For a deep clean, sprinkle baking soda on your carpets, let it sit for 30 minutes, then vacuum thoroughly.

  • Electronics: To be extra cautious, we recommend staying away from any liquid cleaning solutions for your electronics. Store-bought compressed air is a safe and effective way to remove dust! 

  • Dusting: Microfiber cloths are your best friend for dust-free furniture, shelves, and electronics.

  • Decluttering: Declutter ruthlessly! Some things can be hard to part with, so implement the "one-touch rule": allow yourself to handle an item only once, then decide whether to keep it, donate it, or throw it away. Donate unwanted items to charity and enjoy the extra space! 


Your master bedroom is of course the room that needs to feel most comfortable to you. It’s also the room you spend the most time in, especially when factoring in sleep time. A dirty room can promote sickness as well as increase your stress level.

  • Mattress: Refresh your mattress by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit for an hour, then vacuuming thoroughly.

  • Pillows and Blankets: Wash pillows and blankets according to care labels. Sun-drying is a natural way to freshen them up! 

  • Closet Organization: Maximize closet space with space-saving hangers and dedicate areas for seasonal clothing storage. There’s no need for your winter clothes to take up extra space when it’s warm out, so find them a place to free up some space! 

  • Dusting: Don't forget to dust furniture, blinds, and ceiling fans with the trusty microfiber cloths from before.

Bonus Rooms

Laundry Room: Clean your washing machine with a designated washing machine cleaner—with the extra grime that can build up in the laundry room, you won’t want to risk spreading it throughout the house.

Home Office: Organize your desk, dust electronics, and shred old documents. This is a great place to employ the one-touch rule from before, too! 

Entryway: Create a designated drop zone for shoes and bags to prevent clutter from spreading throughout the house. 

Getting Ready for a Remodel

Spring cleaning is also the perfect time to tackle deep cleaning tasks in preparation for a remodel. If that’s your reason to clean, here are the most important things you’ll want to focus on: 

  • Clear the clutter: Remove unnecessary furniture, appliances, and belongings from the renovation zone. Donate, sell, or store items you won't need during the project. 

  • Conquer the cabinets: Empty cabinets and drawers in the renovation area. This protects them from dust and debris and makes them easier to clean or remove if necessary.

  • Deep clean the floors: To remove dust, dirt, and debris that could get kicked up during demolition, you’ll want to sweep, mop, and vacuum all surfaces in the renovation area. 

  • Cover your keepsakes: If there are any permanent fixtures or areas you want to protect from dust (e.g., built-in shelves, countertops outside the renovation zone), cover them with dust sheets or drop cloths.

  • Deep cleaning your home can be a truly transformative experience. The satisfaction of a sparkling clean space goes beyond aesthetics—it can improve your mood, reduce stress, and create a healthier living environment. 

Remember, these hacks are just a starting point. Personalize them to fit your needs and preferences. If you're short on time or require a deeper clean, professional cleaning services are readily available.

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